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Unlike "From Passion to Disaster," the cover art of "The Killer Queens" does not assume that gay men make weak or careless soldiers.

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Weekend Homo warns of the dangers of even a single homosexual encounter- "Chad was a happily married man until that day when he wandered into a gay bar by mistake."

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"In apartments and rooms in big cities, in dark alleys and bus station rest rooms, and even in the war-torn jungles, there's twilight life..."

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"Mary wanted more than her husband could give."

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"Here is the hard-hitting report that pulls no punches about the current homosexual invasion!"

Like its hetero companions The Day the Universe Came and Starship Intercourse, Those Sexy Saucer People embraced the space-age possibilities of intergalactic dalliances.

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"Third-Sex Slave to the Third Reich's Brutal Lusts" Like Gay Treason, Go Down Aaron associates sexual and politcal "perversion."

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Lesbian Pulp

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